What We Do

Active and Healthy Aging

The aging population of the Philippines is expected to reach 14.3 million by 2040. Older and vulnerable Filipino people face major challenges like poverty and access to health care.*

We are working to address and improve older people’s health, and help health providers face the challenges of ageing Philippines.

Health and care policy

We continue making studies and advocating for new policies on health to urge health and community care providers, including the government, to address issues and concerns of older Filipinos and be prepared for the challenges global population ageing brings to the health system.

We have contributed in the passage of following policies that response to older people’s health needs:

Furthermore, we are also pushing a new policy on health:

  • Long-term Care Act – aims to address the needs of older people who have, or are at high risk of, significant losses in physical and/or mental capacity, especially in the growing prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer’s amongst the older population. Read more: Older Persons Policy and Legislative Agenda

Capability enhancement of OPO Health Committees

We capacitate Health Committees of older people organizations (OPOs) through trainings on health such as home care support service, massage therapy, community gerontology, herbal medicines orientation and processing, etc.

Community health services

  • Mobile Health Care Service (MHCS) – a pilot project initiated by COSE and HelpAge International in its joint response project for older and vulnerable people in Typhoon Yolanda-affected communities. It aimed to provide accessible basic health care to the community, with a particular focus on older vulnerable people, through visiting them in their homes. Watch this video about the project:


  • Community Health Volunteers – health volunteers were trained to respond immediately to the health needs of older and vulnerable peoplein their communities. They provide basic health services such as home visits, vital signs check-up, referrals, and home care.

Community health facilities

  • Botika Binhi – a community pharmacy managed by Older People Organizations (OPOs) that serves as their income-generating project.
  • Wellness center – a facility where older people can access health services in their community. These have been introduced and implemented in the Haiyan Response Project areas in Leyte and Cebu.

*Sanchez N., The Filipino Senior Citizen: At a Glance, 2008

**Cruz and Camhol, Family and State Roles in Promoting the Well-being of Older Filipinos, 2013