“I realized that despite the laws being implemented for years already, many older persons are still unaware of their rights and privileges and are not enjoying them,” said Haide V. Florenda.
Haide is 68 years old, a wife, and a mother of six professionals. After 35 long years of working in the government, she finally retired in 2015. She then started volunteering at a local church, serving the parishioners of St. James & Philip Parish in Minalabac. Aside from being an active lector and commentator, she is now the President of the Hermandad de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, a local church organization.
And, in 2017, Haide became the President of the Senior Citizens Association of San Francisco, one of the 25 barangays (villages) in the Municipality of Minalabac, Camarines Sur. “I cannot ask for more; all my children have finished their studies and are living their lives. I have a modest monthly pension. My life is simple, yet I am contented,” Haide shared.
In December 2022, the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE) started implementing the project “Improving access to needs-based healthcare of older persons by strengthening the capacity of Older Persons Organizations (OPOs) in Camarines Sur Province, Philippines”. This is a three-year project implemented by COSE in the Municipalities of Del Gallego, Pamplona, Minalabac, and Sipocot, and is being supported by the Federal Republic of Germany Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), HelpAge Germany, and Aktion Deutschland Hift.
“In February 2024, I was asked by the head of the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) and the COSE staff assigned in Minalabac, Edwin Despabiladeras, to attend a trainers’ training activity”. Hesitant at first because it would interfere with her daily and usual routine; however, “I was convinced because I realized the importance of helping my fellow older persons to become aware of their rights and privileges”.
The two-day Training of Trainers (ToT) was conducted last February 7-8, 2024. “Before, I thought I was aware and knowledgeable enough of the situation and rights of older persons. But I was wrong. The training helped me become more adept at the laws and policies related to older persons, such as the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010, Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage for All Senior Citizens, Anti Age-Discrimination on Employment Act, and others.”
The training, as shared by Haide, also helped her enhance her facilitation and social skills. “At first, I had some reservations about speaking in front of many people because I was afraid to commit mistakes, and what if I say something inappropriate.”
Being an active leader, Haide was chosen to become the coordinator of the Minalabac Roll-Out Team, which is composed of 15 well-trained trainers. At the request of Haide and the OSCA Head, the Local Government Unit of Minalabac would at times lend the team a government vehicle so they could reach even the farthest barangays – which they appreciated.
“The number of participants and the level of participation of older persons in each barangay is overwhelming. Most of their queries were about social pension, hospitalization, and the discount on basic necessities and prime commodities.”
“I learned and gained so much from this experience. I was able to visit all the 25 barangays and gained new friends from the pool of trainers on the rollout team. I also learned from the sharing of my fellow older persons,” Haide added.
Aside from helping fellow older persons become more aware of their rights and privileges and how to access and enjoy them, Haide and the team are also active in advocating for the rights and welfare of older persons in Minalabac. They continue to participate and work actively with the LGU, both at the barangay and municipal levels, in developing policies and programs to address older persons’ health and other relevant needs.
“I never regret attending various COSE activities. I am happy I have the opportunity to extend help to my fellow older persons. It is self-fulfilling that the whole rollout team is instrumental in helping older persons become aware and assertive of their rights and privileges.”
Haide knows and believes her tasks and responsibilities as an older person and a leader did not end after the rollout activity within the Municipality of Minalabac. “We are even talking about going to other municipalities to conduct the same – to discuss the rights and policies related to older person
When Haide was asked up until when she was willing to do this, she quickly answered, “As long as I can, and God’s willing, I will continue helping and supporting our older persons’ sector. I am looking forward to accepting new tasks, whether from our local church, COSE, or our organization.”
By Edwin Despabiladeras